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Internal Comms


Pets in HQ

Purina is a Nestlé brand that makes pet food. So, as you might expect, they’re keen on bringing pets to work. But when the higher ups decided to extend the scheme to the entire Nestlé building, they needed an internal comms campaign to sell it in. 


We used the insight that pets promote wellness. Research shows that pets at work can help employees to relax, reduce their heart rate and lower blood pressure, which can decrease absenteeism and improve staff morale. They also act as ‘social catalysts’, leading to greater interaction between people. 


So in a way, they’re like wellness consultants, held on retainer by Nestlé to promote staff wellbeing. And away you go.   

Pets at Work
Pets at Work
Pets at Work
Pets at Work
Pets at Work
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